
Goodbye NY

I might be biased when I say this, but I’m willing to bet we have the most wild cast in Hollywood. It truly makes showing up for work everyday something I look forward to. Yesterday was slightly different however and maybe even just a little more special than most days since we had some visitors on set. Some wonderful fans of the good ol’ 90210. It’s so great when you get to meet the folks that are watching you and allow you to do what you (I) love.

I’ve only been back in LA for a week and I’m already itching to hit the streets of NY again and visit all my amazing friends out there. One of the most standout nights I had during my 6 week stay was my goodbye dinner at Sean Avery’s new Tribeca restaurant Tiny’s. He was kind enough to host my party of about 20 in the back room until we finally noticed the staff huddled by the bar waiting to go home… we were having so much fun, we didn’t notice we had literally closed the joint! The food was delicious, the drinks were ever-flowing and the amazing company reminded me that genuine people do exist. (Something I often forget living in LA) Everyone there brought endless unique talent, intellect and humor to the table making it a night full of laughter and inspiration…and certainly one I’ll never forget. My love goes out to all the folks I had to say ‘see ya later’ to that night, thank you for joining me at Tiny’s and I know you haven’t even had time to miss me yet but I’ll be back to visit next week! Haha Haven’t gotten my fill of NY yet!

Hope you’re all well and smilin’ those beautiful smiles…


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